Monday, May 30, 2016

May Resolutions

Wow... It's the end of May already!

Blake was gone for 10 days out of this month.... so I obviously was able to do a lot of reading this month! Next month will also be the start of Summer vacation, so I will be flying in and out of books!
Here is what I was able to enjoy this month....

Conversion by Katherine Howe
The Astronaut Wives Club by Lily Koppel
What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty

Despite Blake being gone for 10 days, we were still able to squeeze in some good Mommy/Son Dates and time together.

Jumpin Beans x2
Ice cream Date
Playdates with Tristan
Angry Birds Movie
Game Day - Pie in the Face Game is his new favorite!

I am also SO excited about Summer Vacation. I am so many fun things that we are going to be doing! YAY!!!


And so it begins.... we are now involved with recreational sports. This is where it all starts. I have a feeling that from now on Blake will be involved with one sport or another. And I am very excited about it!

This weekend Blake started BlastBall! It is basically like a Pre-Tball practice that takes place every Saturday from 1-2:00. Blake is already a natural little baseball player, but he can't play Tball until he is 5 years old, so this is a good thing for prepare him for next year. Also, the best part is that the field is INDOOR! Thats right, I don't have to worry about fighting the heat and sunscreen. YAY!

I was a little nervous about how this first practice was going to go for Blake... especially since he missed the first two practices because he was in Utah. I tried to describe to Blake what it was going to be like, but I am  not sure he fully understood. As always, my child absolutely amazes me. He walked right in there and ran out on the field to meet his coaches. He was so excited and ready to play.Another little boy joined them right after and Blake walked right up to him and introduced himself. I seriously just love how social Blake is. There are very few environments that make him uncomfortable. He just goes with the flow!

I had so much fun watching his practice. It was the cutest thing ever. I think Blake moved for literally an hour. He was running, jumping, bouncing, batting, throwing, and more! Needless to say, he was exhausted after it was over! HAHA! It just put a smile on my face watching my little rookie learn and try new things. I am beyond proud of him! I'm really looking forward to watching him at BlastBall this Summer!

Blake Takes on Utah

May 14th- May 23rd, Blake went to Utah with his dad to visit family. He had a great time.... meanwhile, this momma was lost without him! I was SO happy to greet him at the airport when he came home. Life just isn't the same without my daily dose of Blake! Now that he is back, we are well on our way to an amazing Summer!!!!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Mother's Day

We recently celebrated one of my favorite days of the year... Mother's Day!!! The reason its my favorite day is because I LOVE being a mom more than anything on this Earth!!!!

Being a mom is the most challenging and rewarding thing that has ever happened to me. Many days I feel discouraged or tired or overwhelmed, but it's also so rewarding and covered with love. I am so proud of Blake and he makes being a mom so easy.

Blake's preschool had a Muffins with Mommy day... I wouldnt miss it for the world! Aren't we cute?!?!

We also decided to go strawberry picking with Memommy this Mother's Day. The strawberries weren't hitting on much because of the recent horrible thunderstorms.... but the moment was amazing! My two favorite people! We had a great time!

When I Grow Up....

When I grow up I wanna be a .....

Football player! Blake got to spend some time at Mommy's school and hang out with some of the football players and coaches. He loved it and thought he was SO cool! Wake Forest, Cougar Pride!!!


When I grow up I wanna be a....

Firefighter! Blake loved exploring the firetruck at Meet in the Street this month. He was pure giddy. We might have a future firefighter on our hands. :)

Sunday, May 1, 2016

April Resolutions

Well... This month I failed epically on the reading resolution. I don't get it. Some months I will read 2-3 books, and other months I won't even read one. I guess it just depends on finding the right book and then also what else I have going on during that time.

I tried to read a book called Before I Fall.... but I just couldn't get into it. I wanted it to get more and more interesting and it just didn't. I finally gave up on it. I am a lot more interested in the book I am reading now and I have high hopes that May will be a better book month.

Blake and I had a great month for some dates... it is getting warmer and that always makes life a little more enjoyable. Here is what we did together (some already have posts of their own)....

  • Carson's Bday party
  • Six Sundays music in the park
  • Weekly ice cream dates...that will continue!
  • Outside play - chalk and riding bikes
  • Planting flowers together
 I am also REALLY excited because I just booked out Summer vacation to Great Wolf Lodge in June. That is going to be the best time together and I can't wait to see Blake's expression when we get there!


Ryan is now back from his deployment in Kosovo and Blake goes to his house every other weekend. I normally have a really hard time when Blake is gone. When your whole world is build around being a mom, when that is gone for a few days then it really turns things upside down. I HATE the quiet house without him running around.

The best way I have figured out how to handle weekends alone is to start rediscovering me - trying out new things, developing good friendships, and learning new hobbies.

This weekend my friend Rita and I went horseback riding! I haven't done that since I was like 10 years old. We had a blast! My horses name was Gus and he was such a sweetheart (for a 700 lb animal). We went on about an hour trail ride through the woods. It was exciting and relaxing all at the same time. And little did I know how sore my legs and butt would be afterwards! HAHA!