Thursday, March 19, 2020

Home Sweet Home

We have some exciting news to share....We are officially Homeowners!!! Joyner and I were lucky enough to squeeze in our closing date before the Coronavirus shut everything down.

We are so excited to be in this beautiful home in this fantastic neighborhood! It is gorgeous and we are so ready to make this house our home... and it looks like we will have plenty of time to do so. :)

It will be a big transition with merging 2 homes, 1 kid, and 3 dogs - but we are hoping it will be a wonderful thing in the end.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Lucky To Have You

It's St. Patrick's Day and even though we are social distancing, we are still celebrating. In the midst of all the chaos, I am SO LUCKY to have this kiddo in my life! :)

Monday, March 16, 2020


I was hoping that I wouldn't have a post dedicated just to this. I was hoping that it was just a little panic for a week and then things would go back to normal. I was hoping it wouldn't effect us...but I was wrong....

The Coronavirus took over most of Asia and Europe (especially Italy) and made it's way to the United States. A couple of weeks ago it made it to NC - and Wake County specifically. Since then it has spread and cause a little chaos in the way. The Coronavirus is a really bad virus in which we have no medicine for yet. Medical professionals are still trying to figure this thing out - and until then we are all just trying not to spread it around.

We are currently out of school for the rest of the month at least and they have told us it will probably be longer. We are told to socially distance ourselves and not get around a lot of people. Restaurants are only allowed to do take out or delivery. Businesses are closing. Grocery stores are short on food. Basically life is a mess right now.

Blake doesn't like hearing about it because I think it scares him a little. So, we are trying to spend our days playing, watching classic movies, taking walks outside, etc. We are hoping this all passes quickly!!! This is history for sure!

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Field Trip and the Coronavirus

Blake had a second grade field trip schedule for the Science Museum in Raleigh. Sadly, our nation is struggling with the Coronavirus. It is a new virus that started in Europe and has now spread to the US - it is basically like the flu and pneumonia stuck together. BEcause it's a brand new virus, it is spreading rapidly and we don't know exactly how to stop it.

Public Schools have closed for 2 weeks (which has never happened in my history with the public schools), and Blake's field trip was cancelled (along with a lot of our other fun events). I feel so bad that Blake missed out on his field trip fun and he was bummed, so we decided to take a mommy/son field trip on our own! We didn't want the Coronavirus to take away all of our fun.

We have at least two weeks off of school - we will see what else we can get in to! :)

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Bday Zoo Trip

Another year around the sun for me - and I am now 34. My boys decided to take me to the zoo so that I could see the giraffes on my birthday! We had such a fun day seeing all of the animals and playing. We got to see LOTS of giraffes. Blake got to see his lions. We got to see the cutest little baby chimpanzee, and we got to goof off. Duh! :)

I am grateful for my family and friends and especially my boys for making my birthday so special. 24 might just be the best year yet.