Wow... this week turned into a CRAZY busy week! I almost forgot to blog about our adventures from last weekend! Let's catch up a little...
Last weekend Blake and I got to return to Pilot Mountain for my Granny's 80th birthday party!! First of all, it is so cute that Blake understands "going to the mountains" now. He is an awesome travel buddy and will sleep the majority of the ride there. This past time, specifically, he woke up just as we could finally see Pilot Mountain in the distance. He got so excited about seeing the mountain! :)

Granny's bday party was a hit, thanks to my mom and my Aunt Dana. She was so cute and sassy at her little party. She loved having her friends and family there to celebrate. I have to say she was quiet the social butterfly for being 80! I hope I have that kind of party when I turn 80! Blake of course stole the show. He was all over the place and getting into all kids of things. Luckily he had a partner in crime - little miss Chloe. They two of them played with tinker toys, danced, played on ipads and more. Although I was running around everywhere, I was very grateful that Blake was having such a good time with his new friend (ahem...somehow distant cousin. I think!?).

After the party was over, Blake and I spent the night with Granny and Papa. It was nice being able to spend time with them away from the chaos. I love to see how they both try to keep up with Blake. Blake had Papa outside swinging and playing in the car. He also had Granny playing hide and seek with him around the house. It truly warms my heart that both sets of my grandparents are able to see Blake grow and are healthy enough to play with him. It's a fun thing to watch. We are very grateful!!!
That about wraps up our month of January too! 2015 has provided its little challenges already, but we are still finding the joy in the journey!! Now the fun begins with Blake's birthday rapidly approaching!! Lot's of surprises ahead!!