Saturday, January 17, 2015

Go Canes

For Christmas, I got my dad tickets to a Carolina Hurricanes hockey game. It has been a long time since my dad and I have done something just the two of us, and I am so glad we had this chance. By the way.... did I mention that we had 4th road seats?!?!!? Super cool!!!

Growing up, my dad and I always went on little adventures. Sometimes we would travel to new places (like New York, Florida Keys, and the Bahamas) and other times we would just try new places to eat. I remember all of these adventures and how much fun the two of us had. I am so grateful that even though I am an "adult" now, I can still have these adventures with my dad.

It has also given me the inspiration and goal to do the same thing with Blake. I never intended to be a single mom to Blake, but at the same time I am determined to have wonderful adventures with him! I used to feel very insecure that Blake was a little boy. I worried about how I would bond with him because I wasn't his dad and possibly would not be able to relate to him on some levels. However, my dad and I created an amazing bond, and I plan on doing that with Blake. We will have an amazing time on this journey. I can't wait to see what adventures we can conquer this year! :)

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