Blake had a great 3rd birthday... or should I say it was SUPER!!! :) We had a Superman party for our family and he loved it. This year he made us sing twice to him. He even sang to himself. So cute! He also got a Power Wheels Jeep from Ryan and I. He is a wild man on the road. You have to watch out for him.
Blake also had his 3 year old check up yesterday. He was great! He did everything they asked him to do and he also got to play with Dr. Jena's tools. He is all caught up on shots, so we didn't have to get any this time. He weighs 33lbs and he is 3 feet and 2.5 inches. Big boy!
Blake at 3....
- He is still very active. Always on the go.
- He sleeps great at night now, but he will always climb in bed with me in the middle of the night. He snuggles right up to me and then goes back to sleep. I love it.
- He still wakes up super early!
- Naps are still a must! We love nap time.
- The boy has to have donuts in the morning!
- He also loves mac n cheese, noddles, carrots, strawberries, peas, green beans, and french fries.
- His favorite shows are Little Einsteins, Paw Patrol, and Wonder Pets
- He is still a little book worm. Always reading.
- He is really into imagination play - especially with superheros and characters from his shows.
- He LOVES Superman and superheros in general. They are his favorite!!!
- He is now talking up a storm and talking all the time.
- He is potty trained, except for at night.
- He is so well behaved. He has only been in time out a few times in his life. Knock on wood that continues during the threes.
- Blake loves his friends and family so much. He always asks about everyone.
- He can drive is Power Wheels and he is also getting pretty good at riding his tricycle.
- He can sing his ABC's
- He can count things up to 10
- His favorite game is hide and seek.
- Milk and water are the only things he will drink now. Juice went away by choice.
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