Time sure flies when you are having fun!!! 100 days of fun to be exact! Blake had his classmates celebrated their 100th day of school by dressing up like they were 100 years old. Blake REALLY got into character and I loved it! He made me laugh and he was so darn cute! He even walked and talked like he was old, asking me, "Mom, can you grab my book bag because my back is old!" Haha!
I am SO proud of everything he has learned in his 100 days of school. He is already reading at an above average grade level. Umm... he wasn't reading at all when he started kindergarten!!! He can also sound out words and write sentences on his own. The other week he wrote a sentence about a shark and sounded it out and spelled it correctly. He also counts to 100 by 10's and does basic addition and subtraction. I am so grateful for Mrs. Walker for teaching him all of these things! It's so amazing to watch him grow and learn!
Only 80 more school days left until Summer!!! :)
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