Thursday, June 6, 2019

Bye, 1st Grade

How is this year already over?!?! Today we celebrated the end of Blake's 1st grade year. WOW!!!!

He has learned so much this year and made so many new wonderful friends! :) For his little celebration, Ms. Taylor made a slideshow of their class memories and pictures. Oh goodness.... I might have gotten a little teary eyed. As pictures of students came up, the kids cheered for each other. The feeling of "family" was so apparently and their childhood innocence was so pure and sweet. It completely melted my heart and made me so grateful all at the same time!

They then walked the "red carpet" as Ms. Taylor shared a certificate for which character strength they represented. Blake got "Zest and Enthusiasm"! I am not surprised one bit! Blake does everything with energy and excitement - that is just who he is! Yet, while he got his award he was shy and humble. He has my heart in every way and I was bursting with pride as I watched him today.

As parents, on a daily basis we sometimes feel like we are messing things up all over the place! The to-do list didn't get done or we were running late, or we forgot something or we are low on patience... but they you see moments like today where you see you child cheer on his friends, show kindness, stay humble, hold the door for someone, and love his family fiercely. We aren't doing it wrong at all - we are in fact doing an amazing job!

Only about 3 more days left.... then it is officially Summer! And on to 2nd grade!

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