Thursday, April 27, 2023

TOY Journey

 I never in my life thought I would be at this point in my career. This year I was named WFHS Teacher of the Year for 2022-2023. It was an amazing process!!! One that I will never forget. It was also one of the most stressful years of my life, but it was the biggest honor. This one journey has opened so many doors for me and my career. It has allowed me to network and meet so many people. I am forever grateful for what is has given me and I look forward to pushing the boundaries even further to see what I can do for my school and my students! <3 

It all started with being nominated by my school! That was so fun and it was honestly what I thought was the top! Little did I know....

We had to submit a portfolio with essays, resumes, and even a video! Each TOY from each school in WCPSS had to do this portfolio! The portfolios were then graded and WCPSS would select the Top 20 Semi-Finalists for WCPSS. Yeah right.... how could I be one of those narrowed down!? I NEVER thought that would be an option! And it was!!! I got to be a Semi-Finalist!!! 

As a semi-finalist I was honored at the school board and given a laptop and some other fun stuff. I thought that was the top! Little did I know....

I then went through a series of observations - where a whole committee came to observe my class; including an area superintendent, a principal, a teacher, and a parent/community leader. Talk about intimidating!!! I was so nervous!!! But I did my thing and I stayed true to myself. Believe it or not, I was selected as a Top 10 Finalist! AHHHH!!!  The Superintendent herself came to my class to honor me. I was shocked! Joyner even knew about this secret for a whole weekend and didn't tell me! I was so furious with him for that! This by far is one of the top moments of my career life! 

As a Top 10 Finalist, I was paraded around, videoed, announced in the news and everything. It was a whirlwind! We ultimately had to go to a ceremony where we were all honored and the final Teacher of the Year for WCPSS was announced. I sadly did not win it all... and yes, I was heartbroken. But I know all things happen for a reason. Being Top 10 has allowed me to now open the door for being my schools English Dept Chair and a major leader in my school community. I am beyond grateful for this opportunity and everything it has taugh tme about myself. I am still not sure I deserve it all... but I will take it! 

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