Monday, February 18, 2019

7 Year Old Milestones

Blake is already dominating this 7 year olf thing...

First of all, he got a trophy at the end of his basketball season! He did such a great job on his team. I am so proud of how he made friends, encouraged others, and really grew with his own skills. We are adding this one to our little trophy/medal collection at home!

We also had to have Blakes 7 year old check up! Great news, he doesn't have to get any more shots until he is 11!!! Haha. He was so excited to find that out! I don't blame him! His check up reassured us that he is a happy and healthy boy - and a very tall one!! He is in the 80th percentile for height and I think he will just keep growing up! Glasses also  might be in his near future - the screening was off enough for us to schedule just a regular check up at the ye doctor in the next few months.

Overall he is knocking things out left and right as a 7 year old!

Sunday, February 3, 2019

LEGO Birthday Party

This year we tried something new for Blake's birthday! Instead of going to a chaotic kid play place, we had a company called Bricks 4 Kids come to us! They specialize in LEGO's and building activities. Perfect for what Blake loves.

We had our closes friends and family to share the day with us! The kids made fun cars out of LEGO's to race and they did fun LEGO games. Of course we also had Pizza, chips, and cake! Blake loved every second and I think he had a blast turning 7.

I also somewhat went overboard with the decorations. Since we rented out the space for the party, we also had to decorate it. I had SO much fun doing this. :)

I can't wait to see what this year will hold for Blake!

Blake is 7

Today is the day.... Blake is 7!!!! Lucky number 7! I can't believe that I have a 7 year old. He is growing up way too fast. Today we celebrated him by going to his basketball game and then having his LEGO birthday party! It was an amazing day full of smiles and making memories. 

A little to know about the 7 year old Blake...
  • He weighs slightly over 50 pounds and about 46 inches.
  • He loves building with legos and blocks and anything else.
  • Music is his fun - tries to play guitar and is always up for singing and dancing in the car
  • He plays basketball and baseball
  • He is very smart but he already has Senioritis at school
  • Recess is his favorite part of school - and walking club!
  • He wants to be a lego builder, movie maker, and Spider-Man when he grows up.
  • Hunter, Alex, Andy, and Grey are some of his closest friends. 
  • He is still a picky eater - noodles, cucumbers, honey buns, doughnuts, and pancakes are his favs.
  • We love regular movie nights and popcorn!
  • He loves playing Minecraft, video games, and watching kid YouTube Channels 
  • Being a typical little boy - he loves pranks, farts, and science experiments 
  • He is the most caring and loyal child - always wants to love everyone equally. 
  • He is strong but sensitive - and a tad bit spoiled. 
That day Blake was born was the bests day of my whole life. He has been my greatest adventure and I have loved every second of it! I'm really going to have to treasure these days, because I know only a few more years and hanging out with mom won't be cool again. Haha.