Tuesday, January 31, 2017

January Bucketlist

My New Years Resolution has changed a little bit for this year! Last year I thought that I just spent way too much time worrying about everyone else, specifically trying to make other people happy instead of  myself. At the end of the year last year I just noticed that I didn't really do anything for ME! So, part of my New Years Resolution this year is so mark ONE thing off of my BUCKETLIST a month. It can be something that is adventurous, something that is service related, or something new that I want to try...but it has to be something that I want to accomplish! That way, hopefully at the end of the year I will be able to see at least 12 things that I have been able to do this year for me! :)

Winter months are somewhat difficult because of course all of my really fun bucketlist items have to deal with being outside! So, I had to get creative for these colder months.

This month I wrote a LETTER TO JULIET! Yep, that's right... like Romeo and Juliet! When I went to Italy a few years ago I visited Juliet's house. Part of the Italian tradition is that Juliet represents love and hope for many hearts across the world. People who can't go visit Juliet write to her instead! There are volunteers that work at Juliet's house who read all of these love letters and actually write individual responses back!

I am writing my love letter to Juliet to express my expectations, my hurt, and my hope with love! I think it will be really awesome, and maybe even lucky, to hear what Juliet has to say to me about love! I will have to do a follow up post when/if I get a response! Fingers Crossed! 

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Monster Jam

Today we kicked off Blake's birthday week with Monster Jam!! This was like every little boy's dream! We (Blake, myself, and GDaddy) got to see monster trucks compete in many different skills and races. We saw them do jumps, crush cars, and even do doughnuts. Haha!

Blake loved seeing the trucks. He is a huge fan of Hot Wheels! He just didn't really like the noise so much. We brought ear protection, but even with that on it was still a little loud. We still had fun though!

Blake's favorite truck was the Megladon Monster Truck. The body of it looked like a shark. He really put on the best show. :)

Like I said earlier, this was the kick off to Blake's bday week. Lots of fun and exciting things ahead!!!

More Basketball...

This little guy is learning so much in basketball! He is having a blast!

His favorite thing to plat is Across the Ocean!

Monday, January 16, 2017

Basketball Saturdays

Now that the snow is gone, we have officially started our basketball Saturdays! Blake doesn't turn 5 until February, so he missed the Rolesville Rec cut off this year, but I signed him up for the little Basketball skills class at The Factory with MVP Sports.

This was interesting because he is in between ages for the classes. They had a 3-4 class and a 5-6 class... and his bday is in the middle of the "season". We decided to sign him up for the 5-6 class. We figured it would give him a challenge and we didn't want him to totally tower over the 3 year olds. Haha!

When we got to the practice, I quickly realized we made the right choice! Blake would've been way older than the kids in the 3-4 class. That was clearly a "toddler/parent" class. Blake is the youngest in his 5-6 class, but he jumped right in there and did his best to keep up with the older kids. He did great! I am excited to see his basketball skills improve over the next two months.

As a mom I have seen several "phase shifts" in Blake's age. For example, it was very obvious when he entered the toddler phase and left the little baby phase. Well, now he is leaving the toddler phase  and entering the full phase of little boy life! We are filling up our schedules with sports and friend bday parties and hang outs. I love it. I also just registered Blake for Tball with Rolesville Recreation this morning! It will be a year full of sports! :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Snow Days

We just had probably the one and only snow of 2017!! It was expected to be about 6 inches of snow, but it ended up being a dusting of snow and 1-2 inches of ice. HAHA!

Regardless... we had a blast. I am always thankful for snow days because it allows us to "unplug" from society and just enjoy things at home. I loved being able to reconnect with Blake at home for 3-4 days. Just us and the beautiful winter weather.

We had lots of adventures with our "neighbors", Mrs. Jennifer and my dad! We went sledding and tubing. Blake even got to ride on Mrs. Jennifer's 4 wheeler! He loved it.

When all the snow/ice started to melt, we decided to go on walks and explore nature a little. Blake loved trying to find animal tracks. We had such a great time just spending time together walking and talking and enjoying nature. Perfect mommy/son time together. :)

I am sad to see our snow days pass, but I guess we can't avoid the real world forever. Sigh. The weird thought is... we will have maybe one more snow this winter?!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year 2017

Happy New Year! Wow... It's 2017! And can I just say, I am actually writing this post on the correct day - unlike always being behind last year. Haha!

I am so excited about this fresh start! I am the cheesy person who loves new beginnings and resolutions and goals. It is what drives me. I also love having a plan and things to look forward to... and there are SO many great things to look forward to this year!

First of all... I have switched up my New Years Resolutions from the past couple of years. This year I want to start knocking things off my bucket list, instead of just looking at it. So, each month I want to accomplish one thing off my list! Some of the stuff is a personal goal, some of it is something with Blake, and others are service related. It will be a magnificent year of growth and adventure!

Now, we have a HUGE year already lined up! And we are so excited. Here are some things we already know will make 2017 great, especially for Blake!

January: Monster Jam (our first time!)
February:  Blake turns 5
March: I turn 31 AND Blake starts TBall!
May: Paw Patrol Live
Summer: Summer adventures with just us! So many exciting things here!
August: Blake starts KINDERGARTEN!!!!!!!

I am grateful! Simply grateful for all that I have to look forward to this year. I am hopeful that great things will come our way! Happy New Year!