Tuesday, August 28, 2018

1st Day of 1st Grade

The new school year has officially begun and I have the coolest 1st grader!

Blake started 1st Grade today in Ms. Taylor's class! We are so excited that he has her as a teacher because some of our closest friends had her last year. Blake was pretty excited about going to school. I think he was ready to see his friends again and play on the playground.

As a boy mom, I am continually learning that boys just don't really talk much about their days (compared to girls). On Monday I was SOOOO excited to pick up Blake and hear all about his day. He was pretty brief.  The first thing he said when he got in the car was that he lost a tooth at lunch. What?!??! Yes, he lost his 5th tooth on the first day of school. What a way to start the school year. He was also pretty excited because they have a Spanish lesson every Monday as well. That's about all I got out of him.

My dad got Blake is graduation shirt last year. Class of 2030! Each year we take a picture of Blake in it. It is hard to believe that one day (12 years from now) the shirt will probably fit!

I am so proud of Blake and how grown up he is becoming. Sometimes it is hard for me because he is my one and only. He is still 3 years old in my mind. With 1st grade there is more independence from the class and teacher. I am having to adjust to not being able to basically stalk my kid all day at school now. That is killing me! Now I have to resort to asking him million questions on the way home. Haha.But really,  I am just hoping that he has a wonderful year and that he continues to learn and grow and make amazing friends.

(Meanwhile I am working on my 8th year of teaching...we won't think about the fact that I have 22 years left before I can retire. Yeah... I will just leave it at that. Blah)

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Fall Ball

This Fall we are playing baseball with a new league, North Wake Baseball! Rolesville Recreation doesn't have a fall team for Blake's age range, so we decided to play with NWCBA so that Blake can get some extra practice and skills. 

We are mostly excited because Blake's best friend Hunter also plays with North Wake! They are on different teams, but they get to see each other at practices. We love our best friend family!

To be honest, Blake is one of the youngest and newest on his team. He does pretty well in the field, but he has struggled a little with hitting. This is his first year of coach pitch, so it will take some time to learn. He is meeting some great new friends and learning lots of important team lessons. As a parent, this is eye opening for me too because this is the age where you see your kid push through struggles. Sometimes its hard and sometimes its motivating. You also see him get so excited because he made an amazing play at first base, and that is the best!

This welcomes a whole new phase for us and Blake is turning into such a big kid. I don't even know when he got so big! I am so proud of him and I am excited to see how much he learns and grows this season. We are grateful for his amazing coach and the awesome older kids who help motivate and encourage him. It's hard not to get caught up in the competitive side of things, but more than anything, I hope that Blake just has fun!

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Summer 2018

We have seriously had THE BEST summer! It is so hard to say goodbye to. I have started going back to work and Blake will go back to school next week. He has also started a new (and more intense) baseball league! We have lots of fun and exciting things ahead, and more than anything we are grateful for our summer memories!

This Summer we....
  • Conquered Disney
  • Rock climbed - and Blake made it to the top
  • Had numerous playdates
  • Had a blast MANY times at the pool
  • Went to the beach
  • Worked on our baseball skills with Coach Chris
  • Played lots of video games

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Family Beach Trip

The start of August is always a celebration because it brings my Dad's birthday. This year we decided to go all out and take Blake to the beach for a few days. We had a blast!!!

Blake LOVES the beach! He determined to be in the waves as much as possible. He would sit in the sand and let the waves just rush over him. We also got him a boogie board. He loved riding the mini waves into the shore. I LOVED watching the happiness and freedom he had while soaking up the sun and salt water.

We also played putt putt! Blake is your traditional Happy Gilmore, but he was also the only one who got a hole in one! My dad on the other hand didn't have the best of luck with the water.

The Aquarium is always a stop when we go to the beach. This year they had a really cool Dinosaur Exhibit. I didn't really think I would see dinosaurs at the aquarium, but hey... it was fun! We also got to see a dive show where divers went in the major tank with sharks!

We had such a good time and this was our last major vacation for this summer. I loved it! The ocean has always been a place of peace for me. Spending the trip with family only makes it better.