Thursday, August 15, 2019

Tweetsie Railroad

On my dad's actual birthday, we went to Tweetsie! It is such a classic thing to do - jump into the old timey world of cowboys and indians!

 I made the mistake of telling Blake that I would ride ANY ride he wanted. That is what any good boy mom would've done, right?! He held me to it and I was SO glad when we were done - and that I didn't get sick. Got close, but didn't! Haha. Blake even made dad ride a few with him!

We also got to ride the chair lift to the animal petting zoo. That was one of Blakes favorite parts - I swear we almost brought home a little goat! I am not sure Jasper would've liked that too much.

Lastly we finished off the train ride with the cowboys and we decided to play a little dress up ourselves. It was an unforgettable day with family! Happy 6oth birthday, dad!

Grandfather Mountain

We decided to take an amazing trip to the mountains for our last Summer vacation and to celebrate my dads birthday. I particularly loved this because it was all around my old college stomping grounds! I loved showing Blake where Mommy went to college. Blake said he might go there - but only if they have a good super hero program. ;) 

We also went to Grandfather Mountain! Blake loved going across the mile high bridge! We walked VERY quickly and tried not to look down! Haha! As I figured, Blake loved the other side where he jumped from rock to rock- or should I say cliff to cliff. It scared the mess out of me. I constantly tried to hold on to him the best I could. Boy mom life! 

After we survived the bridge, we went down to the animal part, where we could enjoy looking at all of the mountain animals at the little zoo. 

Finally we finished off the day with amazing views and the hot tub....with this little hot stuff! Check out those little muscles. Haha. :)