Friday, April 24, 2020

End of the School Year...

Originally we were told that we would be out of school until May 15th - that was back when the COVID stuff was just starting out. Since then it has gotten a little out of control. Cases are spreading rapidly and everyone is trying to stay away from each other. Today the Governor announced that he will continue the Stay At Home Order and we will not report back to the schools for the remainder of the year - but we will continue remote learning.

This totally broke my heart. I sat at the dining room table and just cried. I was upset at the thought of missing my kids... not saying goodbye...the lost moments of graduation and sports and so much more...Blake not being able to go back to his second grade class...missing his friends...both of us struggling with the learning routine at home.... the list goes on....

This is history - never in this time have schools shut down like this. It is crazy. All I can do is hope and pray that it will pass before the Fall. We have already been told that schools will look very different in the near future. I am not even sure what that means - but I know I have to do my best to stay strong and be there for my Blake and my current students. I owe it to them to make school life and learning as fun and engaging as we can during this time.

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