Sunday, April 12, 2015

Cary Road Race

Currently my legs are sooo sore, I might have a blister on my foot, and I am exhausted... BUT it was all worth completing my first 10K!!! Yes, you read that right. I actually did a 10K. Thank goodness for my friend Rita who pushed us both to "train" and complete it. I am the type of person who really needed that motivation, otherwise I would've given a long time ago.

In practice runs, I did the 6.2 miles in 90 minutes. That's about a 15 minute mile of walk/run. It seemed that I just wasn't going to get below that time. Sometimes even that was a hard push. So, I decided to let that be my goal for the actual run. If I could complete it in 90 minutes then I was going to be so happy!!! Well, Rita and I officially completed it in 83 minutes!!!! So awesome! That's 7 minutes under my goal (just in case you are mathematically challenged like myself). I don't think we will be doing anymore long runs in the future, but we have talked about doing some other 5K's and maybe trying to work on our time. I think that would be fun.

I am just so proud that I am able to mark this off my bucketlist. This year I told myself that I was going to do things that made my soul happy. I wanted to experience many GOOD things and this was one of them! We will see what's next on my bucketlist... Hmm...

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