Friday, November 27, 2015

Thankful Hearts

Happy Thanksgiving!!! We have been celebrating all week and it has been such a good week!

It is very easy to get caught up in all the challenges of life, but when we stop and look around there is so much to be grateful for! Often I have the bad habit at looking at the past 2 years of my personal life (failed marriage, etc) and get down on myself, but then I look at Blake, my house, my job, my family, and so much more... I have SO many amazing blessings in my life.

Our Thanksgiving week celebration started off at Blakes Preschool! We had a Thanksgiving Day luncheon!!! Blake thought it was really awesome to have visitors come each lunch at his school. We might want to work on his table etiquette though... when talking about his current favorite movie (Alvin and the Chipmunks) he wanted to share the scene where the chipmunk farts. Sigh... boys... I couldn't help but laugh. I was just so excited to be there with him and sharing this little moment.

Even though Blake is on 3, I am trying to teach him how the real meanings of things. This Thanksgiving, we took time to donate canned foods to a food drive. We talked about how we need to share with those people who maybe don't have all the nice things that we do. I think he somewhat understood. It is good to serve and that's something I hope that we can do each year around the holidays.

Finally it was our Thanksgiving Day! We spent it with our family and we loved all the food, watching the Macy's Parade, and watching football! I am forever grateful for this little turkey of mine. He is literally my everything!

Blake really liked Thanksgiving.... but he REALLY REALLY wants Christmas to be here!I don't blame him. It's right around the corner!

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