Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Incredible Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat!!! This is by far the best trick or treat age! We had such a wonderful time!

First of all, I am pretty sure this is one of the last years that Blake will want to dress up with me. I was so excited to dress us with him as The Incredible family! He was Dash and I was the mom, Elastigirl. We were pretty Incredible!

Following tradition, we trick or treated with the grandparents and great-grandparents first! The adore Blake and loved seeing him all dressed up.

This year was special because Blake got asked to Trick or Treat with his best friend. His social life far surpasses mine. Haha! So, we decided to go to Hunter's neighborhood and go along with his family. For some reason I thought it would be a nice relaxing stroll down the neighborhood. Whew... it was nothing like that. It was more like chasing two 4 year olds and a 2 year old around the neighborhood! HAHA!

Either way, these boys were the cutest things I have ever see!

Things you learn/say when trick or treating with two 4 year olds, a 2 year old, and the cutest baby ever.
  • Don't touch the pumpkins! - some people still use real candles in their pumpkins and 4 year olds love trying to touch them. Sigh.
  • We adults are still pretty quick on our feet as we chase the kids and prevent them from running into roads. "Look for cars!" 
  • teaching Halloween etiquette is legit! "Say thanks" "don't go into their house!!" "You can't take a whole handful of candy. Just one" (unless you are the cute minion. Rules don't apply to that overload of cuteness). 
  • sometimes we still get more scared than our kids... especially with large jumping spiders.
  • to a two year old, carrying his heavy candy bucket is the greatest sign of love.
  • and we mastered every way to put a glow stick on a toddler.

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