Saturday, October 10, 2020

It's a GIRL!!!!!

 Thanks to our early genetic testing, we were able to not only find out that we have a healthy baby sor far but we were also able to find out the gender as well. We are having a GIRL!!!!!!! EEekkkkkk!!!!! I am SO excited - and thankfully everyone else is, too! Blake REALLY wanted a baby sister because he wanted to be the protective big brother. Joyner wanted a little boy, but he is also happy to have a daddy's girl. 

Once again, Joyner and I had the best time sharing the surprises. We wanted to tell Blake first and have a special moment for him has the big brother. We took him to the park and let him hit some baseballs - the surprise was that one of the baseballs would bust and show the color of the gender. He hit SO well trying to bust them. HAHA. Finally he got to one that busted open with a giant pink cloud. He was SO happy and that made my heart just melt! This baby girl has no idea how great of a big brother she is getting! :) 

We knew Blake wouldn't be able to keep the secret for long - and that he would also want to share the surprise, so we planned a gender reveal little party for our immediate family. We had them over for cupcakes and fun. They got to pick the color cupcake that they thought they baby would be. It was really cute. Then we went into the yard and shot out confetti cannons to share the happy news with our family! It was amazing and perfect and we are so happy! 

Thankfully Joyner and I agreed on the girl stuff way more than we did they boy stuff - so we are happy to share that we plan on naming this baby girl Kinsley Luann Freeman. And she will have the cutest mermaid themed nursery around. You are SO loved already, little Kinsley! :) 

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