Saturday, October 4, 2014

Say What?!

Blake is the funniest kid I know. He literally is so dramatic in everything he does and says. Almost like a perfect little 2 year old comedian. He knows how to make people laugh and he purposely tries to be funny. Even when he gets in trouble, he tries to get out of it by laughing.

Recently he has entered into the full blown "sponge" phase. He has started to say things and I have to think about where he picked that up. Luckily he hasn't said anything bad yet, but I know our day is coming. Here are some of his most recent phrases that have had me cracking up...

"Not funny, Mommy!" - Blake loves for me to chase him around the house, but he doesn't want me to actually catch him. One day I decided to kick it into high gear and get really close to him. He stopped in his tracks and threw his hands out to his side and yelled "Not funny, Mommy!!!" I busted out laughing. Where did he get that...and he said it in the perfect context!

"Ohhhhhhh Boy" - Blake went to visit Heather's preschool this week and he came back home saying this. The funny part is how he drags out the "oohhhhhhhhh" haha. He puts this little tone on it like " just did that?!" Such attitude.

"Get outta here" - This morning while eating breakfast, I tried messing with him and tickling him. He just looked at me and said "Get outta here!". Luckily it was in a cute and funny tone instead of a mean tone. I just laughed. Seriously, where did he hear that one?!

I remember getting so excited when he would learn new words. When did he jump to new phrases?! My little boy is growing up so quickly! I have to admit, it looks like he will be a goof off like his Daddy and a sassy pants like his Mommy. I am sure we will be getting called into the Principal's office a time or two in the future. :)

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