Saturday, May 20, 2017

PreK Graduation Day

Let's see if I can write this post without crying... haha! Blake is not officially a PreSchool Graduate!! He had his ceremony yesterday at the Kids Educational Center! He and 6 other students celebrated their graduation and they will proudly be moving on to Kindergarten next year!

The ceremony was short but oh so sweet. They recited the Pledge of Allegiance...and yes they knew it by heart! They also sang a few songs about their colors, numbers, days of the week and months! He has clearly learned a lot while in PreK. They also recited a poem about going to PreK. There was also a lovely little refreshment party afterwards. The kids did really well during the ceremony. Blake stopped a few times to wave and say hello to his many friends and family in the audience. HAHA!

Of course I cried, but they were tears of joy and pride! Blake amazes me so much! He is going to be my one and only... so part of my heart was breaking at the thought of how quickly time is moving. I try to literally feel and save every moment. In this case I am just so proud and so excited about the many things a head of him! Oh the places he will go!

Ryan and I ate lunch with Blake afterwards and we got him Salvage, a transformer, that he had been wanting for a long time as a graduation gift! I think he was pretty happy about it.

Yesterday was a beautiful day! once of those days that sticks with you for a long time! I couldn't be more proud of Blake and I just so lucky I am his mom!

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